I'm sure that sounds a bit weird, and I assure you it is, but as you make their kingdom grow, they never get any stronger! Yeah, their numbers grow, they hold more of the map, and they defeat other characters in the game left and right but they never get any stronger versus the player character!Įssentially, in the long-term, your choice to conquer Calradia in the name of the Nords has spread an already-weak nation even thinner across the map.
In swearing fealty to the Nords, you are actively choosing to strengthen the weakest kingdom in the entire game. This is exactly why I want you to swear fealty to the Nords. Personally, I've taken on a Nord army that was three-hundred strong, and I did so with a meager, mixed-unit army of ninety-five. Well, you see, the Nords are absolutely terrible and most starting characters could handle a Nord army single-handed, if they play it safe.